Options & fees
Arrival into Bali
The money changers at the airport have the lowest rates on the island, so it is recommended to change only a small amount here for your airport transfer. There are Balinese porters there to help you with your bags... you do not have to use them unless you want, and a tip will be expected. There are also local drivers around, which you can barter the price of a ride to Ubud, however we recommend the Bluebird Taxi service which is metered and reputable. Be sure the meter is on ;)
Departing from Indonesia
When departing from Indonesia, no tax is payable, as departure tax will be incorporated into your ticket.
Passengers who overstay any visa period for a short period of time can be processed immediately at the airport by paying IDR 1,000,000/day upon departure via a customs officer in cash.
Transportation in Bali
Hire a taxi
Taxis are typically about $30 from airport. They will ‘greet’ you eagerly at the airport. While in Ubud, there are also taxi drivers everywhere. A lift locally is about $3-5.
Rent a car
Rentals are $18–$20 per day or $180 - $280 per month for the vehicle, with cheap fuel kindly subsidized by the government at about $0.60/L. Driving is a challenge at first, but enter the flow and you’ll find that the Balinese are gentle, courteous drivers.
Drive a scooter
An automatic scooter costs $60 per month and is the most common and convenient way to get around. Parking is a breeze and you can skip past the traffic when it’s gridlocked. Buying a new scooter will cost you around $1,400.
You can rent a bicycle for about $25/month or you can buy a used one for $70 gives or takes, should you plan to stick around.
Many people, places and spaces are walking distance
Getting to the beach
The beaches in the south are about 1 hour away should you choose to visit on Sundays (our day off). You can hire a taxi for about $35 to take you there, wait for you and then take you back.