““How to transform your life with yoga:
A step by step technology”
from 9th September 2023
Did you know that the Yogic wisdom teachings offer a clear and precise step-by-step guidance to transformation?
As Yoga practitioners we are aware of the positive effects on body, mind and spirit of the practice.
These immediate positive benefits are often what keeps us hooked and feeds the desire to explore more of this system.
But did you know that Yoga isn’t only a profound technique to alter our well-being through the physical practices but also offers a systematic approach for transformation? That it offers a thorough roadmap through challenges - which are an inherent part of the transformation process?
In this one hour, free, live Webinar “How to transform your life with yoga: A step by step technology”, Tanya will introduce the Yogic wisdom of transformation and answers the following questions:
What are signs of transformation?
What triggers it?
How can we move through it?
And how can Yoga help us in these processes?
How can the Vedic system help us to ensure we PROGRESS versus REGRESS during transformative times?