Vedanta Study Group
Tuesdays @ 1:00-2:30pm Bali time (UTC+8)
Current text: Bhagavad Gita Home Study Course
Zoom info (same every week):
Meeting ID: 81634746536
Passcode: 108
No registration required. Offered free of charge.
About this class
This is an open class. All sincere students are welcome.
The format is simple—we all take turns reading pages from the Bhagavad Gita Home Study Course by Swami Dayanda Saraswati.
This commentary is so profound, so beautiful and spiritually uplifting. We will complete reading after one hour, then we open it up to or ask any questions or share any reflections.
How to get a copy of the text
Hard-copy purchase: You can purchase all the volumes Amazon
How to stay connected
You can stay connected with the group between classes + receive updates and announcements for the class by joining the Vedanta Study Group on Telegram
About Swami Dayananda Saraswati
Swami Dayananda Saraswati is a traditional teacher of Vedanta and the founder of AIM for Seva, a charitable trust that works to relieve poverty across India. He has been teaching the traditional wisdom of Vedanta for more than four decades, in India and around the world. His success as a teacher is evident in the successes of his students—over 100 are now swamis themselves, and highly respected as scholars and teachers. Swami Dayananda Saraswati’s personal acquaintance with western culture is what enables him able to communicate the vision of non-duality to modern listeners.
“That you are the whole is the view of the vedas.”
—Swami Dayanda Saraswati