Pathways to Awakening:

The Yogi’s Way:


Core teachings & practices for the
Healing, Transformation & Spiritual Awakening Process

Nothing to Gain. Everything to Discover.

The Self is already attained, already perfect, already free. Your work is to remove the wrong ideas you now have; nothing new is to be added” Ramana Maharshi

Practitioner Journey & Teacher Training - 1 year online program (300hr RYT)

Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom of the Vedas. The Vedas stand as humanity’s oldest living wisdom tradition, their teachings echoing through the millennia to illuminate the deepest questions of existence. Join us on a transformative journey that illuminates both your path and your capacity to guide others. This comprehensive program deepens your understanding of yoga's philosophical foundations while developing your ability to share these teachings with clarity, authenticity, and depth.

Program overview

The Yogi’s Way -Veda


Pillars of the program

"Regular practice, study of sacred texts, associating with the wise, and constant contemplation of truth—these are declared to be the foundations of true knowledge."

(Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 13, Verse 8-12)

Sadhana: Spiritual practice

Students commit to ongoing regular practice which will be a combination of guided classes by Tanya as well as personal practice. The primary practices we will integrate are asana, pranayama, self inquiry, contemplation, meditation.

Satsang: Spiritual teachings

Receive teachings rooted in the tradition of yoga and Veda whose singular purpose is fulfilment in human life. The teachings act as sacred keys that unlock and release the chains that bind and cause suffering. One by one, teaching by teaching, ever more freedom is known.

Sangha: Spiritual community

Stay connected to like minded, like-hearted, and like-spirited group of students. Together you will grow and keep each other accountable as well as mutually support each other through the highs and lows of this sacred process. Spiritual community is an essential component for success on this path. 

Swadyaya: Contemplation & Self Inquiry

While we do take time for formal study or concentrated practice, you will be self-reflecting, self-inquiring and applying your insights in real life situations. This takes it off the mat/cushion and integrates it into life, out of the head and integrates it into the body.

During The Yogi’s Way, you will:

  • Practice regularly – 3 times/week over 1 year

  • Follow a progressive program of deepening practices that guide you into depth of insight

  • Curriculum theme: Learn the technology of Yoga as a system of awakening

  • Guided by experienced teacher with 25 years experience

  • Receive care from an Ayurvedic doctor who will provide customized health programs for you

  • Integrate both recorded content to view at your convenience as well as regular live community components to keep you feeling engaged and connected to a supportive and inspiring community


What’s included in this online experience

  • Core Components:

    • Weekly teachings and practice guidance

    • Regular live community circles

    • Three private healing/counselling sessions

    • Comprehensive treatise on Vedic wisdom

    • Direct guidance from an experienced teacher, with private WhatsApp group with Tanya

  • Program Structure:

    • Five progressive modules through the Vedic path

    • Systematic journey through Karma, Upasana, and Jnana Yoga

    • Supportive Hatha Yoga and Ayurvedic practices

    • Practical application of ancient teachings

    • Integration with daily life

  • Lifelong Resources:

    • Complete teaching library

    • Progressive practice guides

    • Ancient wisdom in accessible format

    • Contemplative journal practices

    • Community support

Detailed Curriculum

Integrated Content

The Hatha Yoga and Ayurveda components run throughout the entire program to holistically support you throughout your one year journey.


Hatha Yoga


The Hatha Yoga component is a step-by-step training program of deepening self awareness and self mastery. It begins with more physical aspects of alignment, and gradually moves inward integrating breath, mind, and spiritual dimensions of the Hatha Yoga practice.

The pace is natural and progressive so students will experience growth in their practice from beginning to end of the program.

On some days, the Hatha yoga component will be informed by Ayurvedic principles with the intention on rebalancing and healing, other times it will be informed by principles of transformation and awakening. This will empower you with the knowledge of the when, why and how to use yoga practices and techniques.

Fruits of Hatha Yoga - transformation through embodied practice: purification of body-mind system, awakening of vital energy, development of sensitivity, stability and strength, cultivation of steady awareness—making the body a fit vehicle for spiritual awakening



12 MONTHS OF AYURVEDA Learning & Care

Ayurveda works with the whole being - physical, mental emotional, interrelational and spiritual to bring healing and empowerment and is considered an important condition for spiritual growth,

Ayurvedic wisdom and practices are integrated throughout the program to support whole-system health.

The Ayurveda component includes:

  • Yoga classes

  • Philosophy lectures to help you learn about the body-mind-lifestyle connection

  • 1 personal consultations with Dr. Joshi- receive customized healing program (diet, practices, natural herbs, and lifestyle choices)

    Fruits of Ayurveda -wisdom of life and healing: science of living wisely: harmony with nature's cyclesunderstanding your unique constitution, aligning with natural rhythms, cultivating optimal health, balancing daily practices—creating the foundation for vibrant living and spiritual growth

The Ayurveda component is led by highly accredited Dr. Abhishek Joshi, M.D, PhD.



Program Modules

While you keep up your regular Hatha yoga practice, we move through a developmental sequence of modules, as described in the Vedas, each one building upon the next taking you deeper into your Self.

Module I

Dharma Yoga

Follow Your Truth

Discover the foundational wisdom that illuminates the entire path of yoga, revealing the eternal principles that guide transformation.

  • Understanding the nature of human experience and suffering

  • Exploring the three paths of yoga: action, practice, wisdom

  • Learning the essential principles that support awakening

  • Understanding how transformation unfolds naturally

Module II

Karma Yoga

Initiation into Karma Yoga

Karma yoga is the path of sacred action and attitude - it creates rapid psychological and emotional maturing through shedding of attachments, and embracing the power of giving.

  • Cultivating discernment and non-attachment

  • Learn and Practice The Five Great Offerings

  • Integrating sacred values into daily action

  • Fruits of Karma Yoga - ‘super-therapy’, psychological and emotional maturity and inner transformation through right action: freedom from attachment, refinement of character, cultivation of love and service, development of discernment—turning daily life into a path of awakening

Module Iii

Upasana Yoga

The Science of Practice

Upasana Yoga is the science of yogic practice. Develop the six-fold inner wealth (shatkasampatii) through systematic yoga disciplines of body, senses, speech, and mind.

  • Establishing daily spiritual disciplines

  • Cultivating the qualities that support wisdom

  • Developing mastery of body, senses, and mind

  • Building the foundation for self-knowledge

  • Fruits of Upasana Yoga - developing the qualities of a mature student: inner peace, self-mastery, natural dispassion, resilience, deep faith, and focused stability—the foundation for self-knowledge

Module IV

Jnana Yoga

The Path of Self Knowledge

Explore the direct teachings about the nature of Self, Universe, and God, understanding the source of suffering and the means to freedom.

  • Receive direct teachings from ancient texts

  • Share and contemplate with fellow students

  • Fruits of Jnana Yoga - awakening to our true nature: clarity about what is real and unchanging, freedom from suffering, recognition of innate wholeness and inherent freedom.

Module V

Embodied Awakening

Integration & Expression

Ground all teachings in lived experience, culminating in a personal offering that expresses your understanding and inspiration.

  • Integrating wisdom into daily life

  • Understanding the stages of awakening

  • Creating practical applications of knowledge

  • Developing your unique expression of truth


Program details


  • August 2025 - August 2026


  • At home + online

  • We will use Zoom for live classes

  • All recordings will be accessible on


  • 5 modules, ~60hrs each

Commitment: ~8 hrs / week

Accreditation: Yoga Alliance 300hr


It's time. It's timeless.

 What is the Spiritual Awakening Process?


The spiritual journey most commonly begins when one has exhausted seeking external sources for their happiness or truth. The spiritual fire ignites and it is time go within and inquire for yourself - directly, one pointedly, persistently; to ask:

Who am I?
What is really true?
What is the true source of happiness?
How can I truly be free?

The process of awakening is characterized by a deepening self awareness and acceptance. It is not a path of accumulation, rather it is a process of shedding

…which is ultimately liberating and at times very uncomfortable.

Through this letting go, there is a an opening up to reveal the essence of Being. It is a discovery of your essential nature as full and complete, absolutely free, boundless love, and intelligent perfection unfolding.


Who is this for?


The revelatory process of spiritual growth is born of regular practice, trustworthy guidance, unwavering passion for truth, an openness to self inquire, a courage to face your fears and live in alignment with your highest truth.

If you are feeling the spiritual call, if you feel a connection to the wisdom of Yoga, and you feel ready to do the inner work, this course is dedicated to you. You will receive step by step guidance in traditional Yoga teachings and practices which are designed to naturally, safely, efficiently chaperone you towards greater freedom and happiness.

This course is not about accumulating information, facts and relative knowledge; rather, through spiritual practice we enter into a liberating process that sheds untruth and reveals the essential nature of Being.

The spiritual journey is the quintessential hero's journey. It is not easy and there will be challenges to face and obstacles to overcome. It is often uncomfortable because intrinsic to the process is healing old wounds, breaking unhealthy habits and facing our shadow. Resiliency, radical honesty, courage, passion, discernment, commitment, and enormous self compassion are all essential.

This course is not meant for a fair-weather approach, it is designed for highly sincere students who are ready to do the inner work and have come to a point where they must follow their soul's call above all else. 


Program faculty


Tanya Kaps

Lead teacher

The Yogi's Way is guided by Tanya Kaps, who has practiced and taught yoga over 25 years, to over 500,000 students internationally across all cultures, ages, and skill levels. She is academically trained in Integrative Science (BSc) and Transpersonal Psychology coaching. She has been a devoted student of Vedanta (oneness teachings, Jnana Yoga) under Swami Vaginshandana for 10 years.

It is her passion to make oneness teachings accessible to as many people as possible. Tanya is a masterful teacher of Yoga and integration  She is a bridger of worlds connecting the east and west, the ancient and contemporary, the spiritual and material, the inner and outer, the universal and the individual, the conceptual and the embodied; and ultimately the dual and the non dual.


Dr. Abhishek Joshi

Ayurvedic Doctor

Dr. Abhishek Joshi is a highly enthusiastic and proficient Ayurveda Physician who is devoted in spreading authentic traditional Ayurveda. He is a perfect blend of authentic tradition and scientific research, with 14 years of intense academic Ayurvedic studies which includes graduate, post graduate, and PhD in Ayurveda. Dr. Abhishek Joshi belongs to a traditional family of Ayurveda practitioners who run an Ayurveda panchakarma yoga center in Kerala, the cradle of Ayurveda in south of India. He is involved in scientific and evidence based research and clinical trials in the field of Ayurveda. Dr. Abhishek Joshi is known for his dedication, compassion and expertise. He inspires and guides to connect back to the healing energy within each individual through holistic approach of yoga and Ayurveda. He has a unique way of helping clients to instill practical Ayurveda in a lucid way.

Dr. Joshi is your holistic doctor and Ayurvedic teacher for the duration of the program and will support and empower you with practical knowledge and personal guidance for experiencing optimal health.

You can learn more about Dr. Joshi  here.


Sara Mononen


Sara Mononen is a healing facilitator, teacher and artist with a focus on transformation, integration and bringing awareness to the beauty and fullness to be found within.

She provides intuitive counseling and spiritual mentorship to those who are seeking a deeper understanding of the many blessings and possible pitfalls of the spiritual quest. In her sessions, she provides a space of deep listening, compassionate presence, and brings a wealth of knowledge grounded in over 20 years of teaching, spiritual study and practice. She can provide guidance, mirroring and feedback on matters relating to spiritual questioning, life direction, emotional management, self-care, creativity, healthy relating and communication, and aligning one's intentions with one's core values. Sara offers unique and fresh perspectives that allow you to find the gift in any perceived challenge, helping you come into right relationship with your very own heart.  

Underpinning everything Sara does is a deep reverence for the sacredness and interconnectedness of life. She has been a devoted student of Vedanta, the universal wisdom found in the Upanisads, for nearly a decade. This knowledge serves as the foundation for all that she shares — that in and through it all, you are already whole and complete, here and now.


This program is here to help you:

  1. Gain a deep and embodied understanding of the spiritual transformation and awakening process through the path of Yoga

  2. Experience the impact in all areas of life when keeping up a regular practice

  3. Receive trustworthy guidance grounded in tradition of Yoga & Veda

  4. Follow a natural growth pathway each step leading to the next, offered at a steady and comfortable pace that allows for integration

  5. Learn and apply Ayurvedic principles for healing and thriving

  6. Explore the stages of growth, and the practices for these times

  7. Explore different states of consciousness and how to navigate them for spiritual growth

  8. Learn the important conditions, obstacles, milestones and pitfalls for spiritual growth

  9. Learn how to self assess and self regulate that you feel empowered in your health and spiritual growth


This comprehensive program provides all the elements needed for transformation through the wisdom of Vedanta. Through systematic practice and clear understanding, discover how ancient teachings illuminate modern life, revealing the truth that you are already whole, already holy, already free.

Enrollment options

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 program
is now open

One-time payment


Single payment of $4300

Payment plan


10 payments of $450

Enrollment options LIVE, guided program Duration: 6 modules in 18 months Start date: January 1, 2021 Accreditation: 300hr Yoga Alliance Self-paced program For those who would like to explore each module at their own pace, there is a self-paced option available. Because the program is designed as a pathway, each module is a prerequisite for the next. This means as you complete each module, the next module in the series will become available for you to enrol n. * Please note: Only participants of the LIVE guided program are eligible for Yoga Alliance accreditation.


Q: Am I qualified to take this course?

The key qualification is a strong spiritual impulse and studentship: sincerity, openness, courage, commitment.

If you are feeling a strong, persistent spiritual call, and are ready for deep self inquiry - this may be the course for you.

It should be noted you do not need asana (yoga posture) training to take this course. What is more important is the spiritual impulse.

This course is not for everybody. It is not appropriate for the fair-weather student or someone with a history of mental illness.

Q: Why is the course 1 year long?

There is no quick fix on the spiritual path. True healing and spiritual transformation takes time and repetition. It took a lifetime to become conditioned with our separatist beliefs - these ideas tend to run deep, persistently, and insidiously. It takes time an ongoing attentiveness and compassion to shed this conditioning and put in new healthy habits.

This program offers a rare opportunity to experience the impact of a grounded, long term, intelligent practice. Furthermore, there will be high level of accountability which addresses one of the most common challenges for success in yoga. Together, the teachers and the community will help each other truly show up, clean up, grow up and wake up.

Q: After I enroll, if I decide this course is not for me can I get a refund?

Refunds for The Yogi’s Way will not be offered once you have enrolled.

Before you sign up up, please inquire within and ensure if this is the right program for you at this time. If you have any questions, hesitations or concerns, please email Tanya at with your inquiries.

Q: Is it possible to take the modules independently? A: Yes, in the self-paced training, you are welcome to take the modules independently and at your own pace. Because the modules are designed as a pathway, each module is a prerequisite for the next. Thus, as you complete each module, you can enroll in the next. Please note, the self-paced training does not include consultations with Dr. Joshi and Sara Mononen.

Not sure if The Yogi’s Way is a good fit for you?


This program is a large commitment, and it can be helpful to know if the elements, purpose, and timing of this program are genuinely aligned with you before you enroll.

If you’re feeling drawn to The Yogi’s Way, you’re welcome to reach out for a 1-on-1 chat to help you get a clearer sense of if it's a good fit for you. We can explore your personal interests and desires, both within yoga and your life as a whole, and also see if this program fits with what matters to you most right now in your life. This is also a great opportunity to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding the program as well.