The Yogi’s Way:



Surrender and allow the infinite to reveal

“ In silence and stillness the eternal reveals itself as what has always been here. Through simple presence and devoted attention, the heart awakens to its own deepest nature” Ramana Maharshi

The Yogi’s Way - Classical Meditation and Contemplative Meditation

In the simplicity of sitting quietly, we discover the profound. Through daily practice of coming to presence, we allow ourselves to rest in what is already here - the sacred space of being. This year-long journey into classical meditation and contemplative self inquiry emphasizes simplicity, depth, and the transformative power of devoted practice.

The Essence:

  • Simple daily practice of coming to presence

  • Quiet time to rest in being

  • Transformation through gentle persistence

  • Deepening through repetition

  • Natural unfolding from within

Journey together through both stillness meditation and contemplative meditions that support your inner exploration. Gather in sacred community for weekly live sessions that weave together wisdom teachings (satsang) and authentic sharing (sangha), deepening both personal practice and collective understanding.

An approach routed in Loving Wisdom

The primary approach to this course is rooted in the timeless wisdom of the balance of effortless-effort; an approach of spaciousness and relaxation in our regular practice. Like learning a musical instrument, we bring our dedicated practice day after day, while allowing the melody to emerge naturally. This balanced approach—showing up with commitment while cultivating ease—creates the perfect conditions for awakening. As we continue to practice and release, subtle layers naturally dissolve, revealing the peace and clarity that are already here."

What you’ll receive:

  • Essential Components:

    • 2 live guided meditations and contemplation recordings (weekly)

    • Live circle gatherings (60 minutes/week)

    • Book of timeless contemplations addressing the essential questions on the path of awakening

  • Practice Support:

    • Emphasis on daily practice following the weeks new recordings

    • Meditation guidance, guidelines, tips, techniques

    • Progressive deepening techniques

  • Learning Resources:

    • Themes and focus areas

    • Core teachings of sacred texts

    • Reflections and exploration of the unfolding process

    • Supportive readings and references

  • Community Connection:

    • Sangha sharing circles

    • Dedicated practice community

    •Direct access to teacher

  • Technical Access

    • Private course platform

    • Lifetime access to materials

    • Mobile-friendly resources

    • Course communication portal