Reclaim your Life-force Energy
Yoga & Ayurveda retreat • 5 days • 2hrs/day
Learn simple, practical tools for how to stay healthy & amplify your life-force energy using Ayurveda

Join Tanya and Dr. Joshi for a 5-day yoga & Ayurveda retreat to learn how to tune into what’s arising in your body and mind and therapeutically respond—with both your choice in yoga practice and also your food and activities—to take care of yourself.
Discover Ayurveda—what it is and how it works
Understand your unique constitution and the individual ways you tend to go out of balance
Learn how to read diagnostic clues from the body and mind so you can tell when something is off
Deepen your self-understanding and self-compassion as to why you are the way you are
Discover practical tools and simple kitchen remedies to help you come back to center, balance and well-being
Experience therapeutically-based yoga sequences designed to help balance each constitutional type.

The synergy between
Yoga & Ayurveda
Yoga and Ayurveda are considered sister sciences and have traditionally gone hand in hand to support human beings to live in balance with all of life and to grow spiritually. Yoga is the ‘science of self realization’ and Ayurveda is the ‘science of life and healing’.
Now more than ever, whole-systems approaches are needed in addressing whole-being health in the complexity of modern living. Ayurveda, ‘the science of life’, is a 6000 years evolved healing system from India which holds deep wisdom, vast knowledge and offers practical solutions to help us thrive and grow. It works with a deep understanding and honoring of the uniqueness and impermanence of all things as well as the interconnectivity between all things - our environment, our relationships, the food we eat, and of course our body, mind, heart and spirit.
What we’ll cover
Day 1
Tridoshic yoga sequence (good for all constitutions)
Introduction to Ayurveda:
What is Ayurveda and why is it valuable?
Day 2
Vata-balancing yoga sequence
Discover your personal constitution and constitution-specific guidelines for staying healthy
Day 3
Pitta-balancing yoga sequence
How to cultivate digestive fire, the crux of body-mind health
Day 4
Kapha-balancing yoga sequence
How to boost your immune system with herbs and household kitchen remedies
Day 5
Pranayama exercises for balancing each constitution
Ayurvedic approach to navigating challenging times
Daily program
Ayurvedic yoga & pranayama class with Tanya
60-90 minutes
Tanya will start each session off with a therapeutically oriented yoga practice designed to help balance each constitutional type. This will help us understand how to choose different yoga practices at different times.
Ayurveda talk with Dr. Abhishek Joshi
45 minutes
Dr. Abhishek Joshi will offer an informative talk on Ayurveda and what you can do practically, while at home, to stay balanced, boost your immune system and amplify your life force energy. You’ll also learn how to avoid the things that bring you out of balance and drain your life force.
Q&A session
15 minutes
There will be time for Q&A after the talk to ask questions specific to your experience. Dr. Abhishek Joshi will also make himself available for private consultations.
What’s included
You will receive:
5 therapeutically-based yoga & pranayama sequences designed to balance each constitutional type
5 talks on Ayurveda to empower you with knowledge and tools to stay healthy and reclaim your life-force using Ayurvedic wisdom
5 live Q&A sessions with the incredible Dr. Abhishek Joshi so you can address your personal questions and curiosities
Recordings of all sessions available online
Unlimited access to all recordings, so you can them access as needed in response to what you need
Retreat instructors
Dr. Abhishek Joshi
Dr. Abhishek Joshi is a highly enthusiastic and proficient Ayurveda Physician who is devoted in spreading authentic traditional Ayurveda. He is a perfect blend of authentic tradition and scientific research, with 12 years of intense academic Ayurvedic studies which includes graduate, post graduate, and PhD in Ayurveda. Dr. Abhishek Joshi belongs to a traditional family of Ayurveda practitioners who run an Ayurveda panchakarma yoga center in Kerala, the cradle of Ayurveda in south of India. He is involved in scientific and evidence based research and clinical trials in the field of Ayurveda. Dr. Abhishek Joshi is known for his dedication, compassion and expertise. He inspires and guides to connect back to the healing energy within each individual through holistic approach of yoga and Ayurveda. He has a unique way of helping clients to instill practical Ayurveda in a lucid way.
Tanya Kaps
Tanya is a yoga teacher, spiritual guide and transformation coach and has been practicing and teaching for 20 years. Her Hatha yoga practice began with Bikram's beginners yoga, and continued on to study and teach Vinyasa, Power, Anusara, Yin and Restorative methods. Her practices deepened to include pranayama and meditation practices. In the past 10 years, the emphasis of her practices turned toward Jnana yoga. She continues to study the sacred texts including Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita and listens to teachings of Vedanta from her revered teacher Swami Vagishananda. Having studied through the lens of both Eastern and Western systems, and having partnered academic study with intense dedicated practice - she offers a rare and refined understanding that is both balanced and integrated and accessible. Having taught over 500,000 students internationally - she sees the thread that connects and hopes to shine an inspiring light on the universality of the spiritual journey and the power of Yoga to help guide us ‘home’. She will remind you of what yoga is designed to reveal, ‘home is here and now - you are already whole, already holy, already free - always have been, always will be’ .

What people have shared about Dr. Abhishek Joshi
“I am glad to have the opportunity to meet and get to know Ayurveda Doctor Abhishek Joshi. He is an inspiring person with a genuine care for others and their health. He has a true passion for what he does. I always go to him first for any medical treatments Since I met him, we have found his advice, natural Ayurvedic medicine, and council to be most effective and supportive. I have seen personal growth and positive changes in my life due to his support and advice. I strongly encourage and recommend his services of Ayurveda for education, health and natural remedies.”
—Christine Bagnall, USA
“Ayurvedic practice in daily life is made easy when you listen to the talks given by Dr. Abhishek Joshi. From self-message to balanced diet to herbal drinks and eating time table. Simple Ayurvedic steps for a healthier life.”
—Hira Jhamtani - Author, environmental activist and blogger, board member of the Indonesian Society for Social Transformation (INSIST) in Yogyakarta Indonesia
“Dr. Abhishek Joshi is the most inspiring yoga teacher one can ever have. I am fortunate to have an incredibly dedicated yoga teacher like him. Thank you so much for your kindness, thoughtfulness, generosity and the motivation. I always look forward to his recommendations for various programs.”
—Bhagyashree Jetwani - Teacher/educator in international School, Bali, Indonesia
When does the retreat start and finish?
The retreat runs live Monday, June 22nd to Friday June 26th from 2-4pm Bali Time (UTC +8). You can access the recordings + supporting resources anytime—even after the retreat completes.
Is there anything I need to do or bring to prepare for the retreat?
Yoga mat or carpet, something comfortable to sit on, and a pen & paper or laptop to take notes with
Are there any pre-requisites for participating in this retreat?
No, all are welcome!
How long do I have access to the retreat?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this program for as long as you like