The Yogi’s Way
Kundalini Tantra
Embracing our human potential
June 2025 - May 2026
weekly live classes online (recordings available)
What is Kundalini?
Kundalini is the force behind the evolution of human consciousness. Kundalini awakening refers to a process of the activation of energy believed to be at the base of the spine. As this energy is aroused we activate deep internal bio-psycho-social-spiritual shifts that transform our whole being from the inside out.
Kundalini awakening is often perceived as highly mystical and unattainable; in truth, the activation of higher potentials is our birth rite and available for those who engage with sincerity, humility, courage, wisdom and commitment.
The program guides the student systematically through a series of techniques and practices to progressively activating the energetic centres of our being through engaging physiological, endocrinological, neurologically. Phenomenologically, the cultivation of these practices will create expansive psychological and emotional states that you can learn to safely and reliably access and smoothly integrate over time. You will learn a full tantric chakra practice that you will have with you forever. As you stay with it, your embodied experience of Self, Life, and Divinity will enhance and deepen as ‘time’ unfolds.
We engage the process mindfully, respectfully, safely, gently
Apply an approach that is grounded, reliable, relatable, systematic
A depth vs. breadth approach - we learn specific, targeted practices and then practice them for a long time. Therefore it’s an experience of deepening vs. accumulation.
Tools used are: movement, breath, visualization, activation of emotions, yantra, mantra, directed energy and awareness, somatic activation and awareness.
We spend one month on each chakra
We integrate as we continue month by month, chakra by chakra. Meaning, as we move on to the subsequent chakra we transcend and include the former chakra to therefore integrate both chakras.
We learn formal ‘on the mat’ practices, as well as ‘off the mat | everyday life’ practices ( ie. grocery shopping meditation - for chakra 1)
We experience the culmination of the course as spiritual empowerment; recognition and embrace of your own divine creator-ship.
Course Format
Duration: 12 months
3 weeks on, 1 week off
1/ live class weekly (2hr max) new teachings & techniques
After class sharing and/or Q&A
Daily self practice (30- 45 min) using the guided class recording
When: Every Thursday, choose one cohorts optimized for your time zones:
Cohort A: 5am Bali | 8am Sydney | 5pm New York
Cohort B: 3pm Bali | 7am London | 6pm Sydney
Practice progressive builds and deepens over the year
Phase I - Foundations of understanding + Learn preparatory/ purification practices
Phase II - Learn and integrate each chakra one month at a time
Phase IIII - Culmination through repetition of the all-chakra practice
Who is this for?
Graduates of The Yogi’s Way;
Min 3 yrs spiritual practice (ie. yoga, meditation, healing/ martial art, etc.)
psychological-spiritual maturity: you have fostered the a good degree of:
non attachment towards the impermanence of experience
self-responsibility (you recognize the disempowering nature of the victim-perpetrator mindset)
self discipline
Important note:
This program is designed for those who are working from a foundation of good health. This course is not therapy oriented, but rather actualization oriented. Applicants should be reasonably healthy and feeling mentally-emotionally stable and resilient before beginning. This program is not appropriate for those suffering from physical illness, mental illness or emotional instability.
Application Process
Enrolment will be limited to 18 participants to maintain an atmosphere of connectedness and authenticity among the sangha.
To apply please write a letter to Tanya briefly introducing yourself and why you think this course feels aligned for you at this time. Tanya will reach out for a 1-1 interview where we can further feel into whether the course is a good fit.
Furthermore there is a a possibility this program will be run one time only. I am sharing point in this in the spirit of transparency and is not intended to create a feeling of scarcity.
Tanya’s Background
Tanya has been practicing and teaching Hatha Yoga for 25 years with both modern and traditional influences, as well as 13 years sitting in traditional Vedanta teachings with Swami Vagishananda.
At the age of 36, she had a powerful kundalini awakening experience during this time she dove deep into study and practice to facilitate the integration process; at which time she sought out he guidance from reliable teachers specializing in Kundalini Tantra.
Her courses have a pervasive spiritual emphasis reminding students that the spiritual journey is a journey of resolving paradox. May we have a deep recognition that we are already full and complete, and paradoxically, out of fullness, May we embrace our ever-changing-ness and our human evolutionary potentials.
May we embrace the sacred paradox of life!
We are Perfection Unfolding
We are Divine Human