Already whole

Already holy

Already free


Pathways to Awakening

Ancient Wisdom.    Modern Support.   Your Path to Awakening.

Comprehensive spiritual training programs for sincere seekers

Embark on a journey where awakening unfolds naturally through systematic practice, reliable teachings, and direct guidance. Drawing from yoga's most profound traditions, discover how patient cultivation and steady practice reveal the truth of what you already are. Pathways to Awakening offers the opportunity to experience profound shifts in understanding, lasting peace of mind, natural confidence, and the ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom.

Upcoming Trainings

  1. The Yogi’s Way - Veda - (devotional action, yogic discipline, self knowledge )

    Begins Soon: Aug 2025 - Aug 2026

    Learn More

2. The Yogi’s Way - Kundalini Tantra (liberating energy, expanding consciousness )

Begins: Jan 2026

Learn More

3. The Yogi’s Way - Hatha Yoga (asana, pranayama, mudra, bhanda)

4. The Yogi’s Way - Classical Yoga (meditation, contemplation, self inquiry)

Our trainings apply

The 4 pillars of spiritual growth

"Regular practice, study of sacred texts, associating with the wise, and constant contemplation of truth—these are declared to be the foundations of true knowledge."

(Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 13, Verse 8-12)

1. Sadhana: Spiritual Practice - continual, ongoing, regular

2. Satsang: Spiritual Teachings - wisdom teachings born of tradition and transmission

3. Sangha: Spiritual Community - gathering with like-intentioned, like-valued community

4. Swadyaya: Self reflection/ Self inquiry - your ongoing contemplative thread throughout


Drawing from 25 years of dedicated practice and teaching internationally, Tanya Kaps offers a rare combination of traditional yoga wisdom and practical guidance for spiritual awakening. Grounded in deep experience with Hatha Yoga, Vedanta, and Tantra, she creates a space where profound transformation naturally unfolds through embodied practice and direct transmission. Having guided hundreds of thousands of students worldwide, she offers the opportunity for students to move toward greater clarity, inner peace, and authentic power. Her approach combines technical precision with heart-centered presence and a down-to-earth realtability—making ancient teachings not just accessible, but deeply relevant for those seeking genuine transformation in their daily lives.

"Like a flower unfolding naturally in the sun,

consciousness awakens through patient practice and grace."

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Choose Your Path:


The Yogi's Way: Vedas

Nothing to Gain. Everything to Discover.

“The Self is already attained, already perfect, already free. Your work is to remove the wrong ideas you now have; nothing new is to be added”

~Ramana Maharshi

Practitioner Journey & Teacher Training (300hr RYT)

Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom of Vedanta through a transformative journey that illuminates both your path and your capacity to guide others. This comprehensive program deepens your understanding of yoga's philosophical foundations while developing your ability to share these teachings with clarity, authenticity, and depth.

The Vedas stand as humanity's oldest living wisdom tradition, their teachings echoing through millennia to illuminate the deepest questions of existence. These ancient texts reveal a profound understanding of the human journey—from action to understanding to liberation.

Journey through the three stages of spiritual evolution—Karma Yoga (devotional action), Upasana Yoga (yogic discipline), and Jnana Yoga (Self-knowledge)—guided by the brilliance of Vedic wisdom.

Throughout this year-long journey, Hatha Yoga and Ayurveda weave a continuous thread of support. Through sustained practice, experience the deepening of both knowledge and direct experience—leading to radiant well-being and spiritual opening. Receive both the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda (the science of life and healing) and its practical application for vibrant living.

MODULE I: Follow your truth

Initiation into YOGA DHARMA -

Discover the foundational wisdom that illuminates the entire path of yoga, revealing the eternal principles that guide transformation.

  • Understanding the nature of human experience and suffering

  • Exploring the three paths of yoga: action, practice, wisdom

  • Learning the essential principles that support awakening

  • Understanding how transformation unfolds naturally


Karma yoga is the path of sacred action. Transform daily life into spiritual practice through understanding karma yoga, the Panca Maha Yajnas (five great offerings), and twenty universal values. The emphasis of Karma Yoga is rapid psychological and emotional maturing through shedding of attachments, and embracing the power of giving.

  • Cultivating discernment (viveka) and non-attachment (vairagya)

  • Learn and Practice The Five Great Offerings (Panca Maha Yajna) in modern life

  • Integrating sacred values into daily action

  • Understanding action free from attachment and the joy and power of living in service

  • Fruits of Karma Yoga - ‘super-therapy’, psychological and emotional maturity and inner transformation through right action: freedom from attachment, refinement of character, cultivation of love and service, development of discernment—turning daily life into a path of awakening

MODULE III: UPASANA YOGA - The Science of Practice

Upasana Yoga is the science of yogic practice. Develop the six-fold inner wealth (shatkasampatii) through systematic yoga disciplines of body, senses, speech, and mind.

  • Establishing daily spiritual disciplines

  • Cultivating the qualities that support wisdom

  • Developing mastery of body, senses, and mind

  • Building the foundation for self-knowledge

  • Fruits of Upasana Yoga - developing the qualities of a mature student: inner peace, self-mastery, natural dispassion, resilience, deep faith, and focused stability—the foundation for self-knowledge

MODULE IV: JNANA YOGA - The Path of Self Knowledge

Explore the direct teachings about the nature of Self, Universe, and God, understanding the source of suffering and the means to freedom.

  • Understanding the nature of Reality and Being

  • Recognizing what is permanent and what changes

  • Discovering the source of lasting happiness

  • Exploring the relationship between individual and universal

  • Fruits of Jnana Yoga - awakening to our true nature: clarity about what is real and unchanging, freedom from false identification, recognition of innate wholeness, and living from understanding—revealing we are already whole, already holy, already free

MODULE V: EMBODIED AWAKENING - Integration & Expression

Ground all teachings in lived experience, culminating in a personal offering that expresses your understanding and inspiration.

  • Integrating wisdom into daily life

  • Understanding the stages of awakening

  • Creating practical applications of knowledge

  • Developing your unique expression of truth

SUPPORTING PRACTICES : Hatha Yoga & Ayurveda

Keep up a regular and progressively deepening yoga practice throughout. Threaded throughout the journey, receive systematic training in traditional Hatha Yoga as well as practical Ayurvedic wisdom.

  • Progressive asana and pranayama practices

  • Seasonal adjustments for optimal health

  • Understanding your unique constitution

  • Daily practices for radiant well-being

  • Fruits of Hatha Yoga - transformation through embodied practice: purification of body-mind system, awakening of vital energy, development of sensitivity, stability and strength, cultivation of steady awareness—making the body a fit vehicle for spiritual awakening

  • Fruits of Ayurveda -wisdom of life and healing: science of living wisely: harmony with nature's cyclesunderstanding your unique constitution, aligning with natural rhythms, cultivating optimal health, balancing daily practices—creating the foundation for vibrant living and spiritual growth


Core Components:

• Weekly teachings and practice guidance

• Regular live community circles

• Three private healing/counselling sessions

• Comprehensive treatise on Vedic wisdom

• Direct guidance from an experienced teacher, with private WA group with Tanya

Program Structure:

• Five progressive modules through the Vedic path

• Systematic journey through Karma, Upasana, and Jnana Yoga

• Supportive Hatha Yoga and Ayurvedic practices

• Practical application of ancient teachings

• Integration with daily life

Lifelong Resources:

• Complete teaching library

• Progressive practice guides

• Ancient wisdom in accessible format

• Contemplative journal practices

• Community support

This comprehensive program provides all the elements needed for transformation through the wisdom of Vedanta. Through systematic practice and clear understanding, discover how ancient teachings illuminate modern life, revealing the truth that you are already whole, already holy, already free.

The Yogi's Way:

Kundalini Tantra

Liberating Energy. Expanding Consciousness.

"Energy follows consciousness, consciousness follows energy. Understanding this relationship is the key to transformation."

~ Traditional Tantric teaching

The Yogi's Way: Kundalini Tantra offers a thorough initiation and firm anchoring into the sacred path of liberating energy and the expansion of consciousness.

Through a grounded, subtle and ever-expansive approach, you'll develop the foundation and understanding necessary for stable and integrated Kundalini awakening. The emphasis of the course is direct experience through long term practice. Always oriented and grounded in the present experience, practitioners receive supportive practices and guidance to access and awaken consciousness while cultivating skill in navigating both somatic and transcendent experiences.

Our methodology honors both the profound depth and practical application of these teachings, offering:

  • Systematic initiations into awakening through the eight energy centers

  • Clear understanding of subtle body anatomy

  • Progressive development of sensitivity and awareness

  • Integration of physical, energetic, and consciousness practices

  • Balanced approach of both scientific and esoteric knowledge

  • Balanced approach to energy cultivation- sacred masculine and sacred feminine energies

  • Stable foundation in traditional wisdom

The journey unfolds through each of the 7 chakras, slowly and mindfully taking our time, and apply a rich tapestry of practices:

  • Awareness cultivation and meditation

  • Asana (postures) and mindful movement

  • Kriyas (purification practices)

  • Bandhas (energy locks) and mudras (sacred gestures)

  • Pranayama (breathing practices)

  • Yantra (technology of light, sacred image)

  • Mantra (technology of sound, sacred sound)

  • Contemplation and self-inquiry

  • Supportive lifestyle practices

Moving progressively through each chakra, you'll discover how these practices naturally integrate physical vitality, emotional wisdom, subtle perception, and expanded consciousness. The program supports both newcomers and experienced practitioners in developing a nuanced, mature approach to energy cultivation that encompasses breath, emotion, sensation, perception, and intrinsic awareness.

Through sustained practice and direct guidance, experience how Kundalini awakening naturally unfolds—revealing the joy of being and the recognition of your true nature. This path offers not just techniques, but a complete transformation in how you experience and understand your own energy and consciousness.


Essential Course Components:

• Weekly guided practice sessions (progressive development)

• Weekly teaching and refinement of techniques

• Live community circles (60 minutes/week)

• Direct guidance from a teacher with direct experience and decades of study and practice

Special Feature: A comprehensive book - "Energy, Consciousness, and Transformation" - exploring the path of Kundalini awakening through sacred wisdom systematic practice and direct experience.

Practice Support:

• Progressive chakra awakening practices

• Clear technical guidance from lived experience

• Structured practice journal

• Emphasis on regular practice (7:1 ratio of practice : theory)

• Personal guidance reflecting years of direct experience and study

Unique Approach:

• Focus on depth through sustained practice

• Emphasis on integration vs. accumulation

• Progressive unfoldment through each energy center

• Systematic development of awareness

• Safe, grounded approach to awakening

• Time-tested methods passed down through tradition

Community Connection:

• Weekly live circles

• Shared practice commitment

• Direct access to experienced guidance

Lifetime Access:

• Complete practice library

• All recorded teachings

• Course materials and guides

• Sacred text studies

This comprehensive program provides rare opportunity for a genuine journey of transformation through the sacred science of Kundalini awakening. Through sustained practice and expert guidance, discover how energy naturally awakens to reveal your innate freedom. Whether you're beginning your exploration of energy practices or deepening your existing path, this course offers the perfect balance of structure and support for your unique unfolding.

Important Note : Tanya will be offering TYW: Kundalini Tantra LIVE one time only. After which the program will be offered annually through the recordings with the live weekly community sessions.

The Yogi's Way: Hatha Yoga

Body is my Temple, Movement is my Prayer

"In repetition lies mastery; in mastery lies freedom. The depth of yoga is revealed not through accumulation of poses, but through the patient refinement of awareness."


Practitioner Journey & Teacher Training (200hr RYT)

Embark on a comprehensive journey through the art and science of Hatha Yoga—discovering its transformative power in your own practice while developing the skills to guide others. This dual-focus program offers both profound personal development and professional teaching certification, allowing you to choose the path that resonates with your unique calling.

Through dedicated practice of foundational sequences, we discover that true power emerges not from collecting postures, but from deepening our relationship with each breath, each movement, each moment of awareness. As we return again and again to the same practices, subtle dimensions naturally reveal themselves, and what began as physical exercise transforms into a gateway for awakening.

Core Practices:

  • Asana: Master foundational and intermediate poses

  • Pranayama: Progressive training in yogic breathing practices

  • Mudras: Sacred hand and eye gestures

  • Bandhas: Energy locks for direction of vital force

  • Kriyas: Traditional purification practices

  • Vinyasa Krama: Intelligent sequencing principles

Our Approach: Rather than collecting poses, we emphasize depth and interiorization of awareness and mastery through repetition. Basically speaking, the student receives one new yoga technique each week and is advised to practice it daily to integrate. We work with carefully designed sequences over extended periods, developing increasing subtlety and skill through consistent practice.

The Journey Through the Layers (Koshas):

  • Physical Body (Annamaya): Learn physical alignment, strength, flexibility, endurance

  • Energy Body (Pranamaya): Learn breath, subtle directed force, somatic sensitivity

  • Mental-Emotional Body (Manomaya): Concentration, emotional balance, grounded calm

  • Wisdom Body (Vijnanamaya): Discrimination, clear seeing

  • Causal Body (Anandamaya): Source of being, pure awareness, unconditional love

Our Approach to Practice: We work with carefully designed sequences that are repeated over months, not days. This consistent return to fundamental practices allows:

  • Emphasis on regular practice

  • Refinement of subtle awareness

  • Development of true strength

  • Opening of energy pathways

  • Integration of all layers of being

  • Natural emergence of wisdom

    SPECIALISATION MODULE: The Art & Science of Transformation

    Journey beyond physical practice into the profound understanding of transformation itself. This special module illuminates the universal principles that govern spiritual growth and development.

    Through ancient wisdom and contemporary understanding, explore:

    • The natural cycles of expansion and contraction

    • Navigating the death-rebirth process in practice and life

    • Balancing opposing forces (Ha and Tha, Yin and Yang)

    • Cultivating essential tools of presence and surrender

    • Recognizing the voice of inner wisdom

    • Discerning between the permanent and impermanent

    Discover the universal stages of transformation:

    • Initiation: The beginning of change

    • Purification: The necessary releasing

    • Integration: The embodying of new understanding

    • Stabilization: The grounding of realization

    • Expression: The natural sharing of wisdom


As you progress through this program, you'll develop not only as a practitioner but as a teacher with depth, authenticity, and technical precision. Through comprehensive training modules designed specifically for online learning, you'll emerge as a yoga teacher who offers more than poses—one who shares understanding, creates transformative spaces, and honors the tradition.

The Teacher You'll Become:

• Grounded in traditional wisdom while relevant to modern students

• Technically precise with clear, embodied instruction

• Able to teach from understanding rather than scripts

• Capable of seeing and supporting students' unique needs

• Balanced in honoring both form and essence

What You'll Learn:

• Anatomy and alignment principles for safe, effective instruction

• Sequencing methodology based on traditional understanding

• Clear language and communication skills for online and in-person teaching

• Modifications and adjustments for diverse bodies and needs

• Ethics and professional standards for yoga teachers

• Principles of creating sacred space in any environment

• Business foundations for establishing your teaching practice

Through guided teaching practicums, personalized feedback, and structured practice teaching opportunities, you'll develop confidence and competence even in an online format. Our innovative approach includes video submissions, peer teaching sessions, and mentorship to ensure you receive thorough preparation for real-world teaching.


This program is registered with Yoga Alliance as a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) certification course. Upon completion, you'll receive a professional teaching certificate recognized internationally, allowing you to teach yoga worldwide while embodying the depth of traditional practice.

"Practice, practice, practice, and all is coming."

~Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

The Yogi's Way: Classical Yoga

Surrender and allow the infinite to reveal.

"In silence and stillness the eternal reveals itself as what has always been here. Through simple presence and devoted attention, the heart awakens to its own deepest nature."

~ Ramana Maharshi

In the simplicity of sitting quietly, we discover the profound. Through daily practice of coming to presence, we allow ourselves to rest in what is already here - the sacred space of being. This year-long journey into classical meditation emphasizes simplicity, depth, and the transformative power of devoted practice.

The Essence:

  • Simple daily practice of coming to presence

  • Quiet time to rest in being

  • Transformation through gentle persistence

  • Deepening through repetition

  • Natural unfolding from within

Journey together through both stillness meditation and contemplative meditions that support your inner exploration. Gather in sacred community for weekly live sessions that weave together wisdom teachings (satsang) and authentic sharing (sangha), deepening both personal practice and collective understanding.

An approach routed in Loving Wisdom

The primary approach to this course is rooted in the timeless wisdom of the balance of effortless-effort; an approach of spaciousness and relaxation in our regular practice. Like learning a musical instrument, we bring our dedicated practice day after day, while allowing the melody to emerge naturally. This balanced approach—showing up with commitment while cultivating ease—creates the perfect conditions for awakening. As we continue to practice and release, subtle layers naturally dissolve, revealing the peace and clarity that are already here."


Essential Components:

  • 2 live guided meditations and contemplation recordings (weekly)

  • Live circle gatherings (60 minutes/week)

  • Book of timeless contemplations addressing the essential questions on the path of awakening

Practice Support:

  • Emphasis on daily practice following the weeks new recordings

  • Meditation guidance, guidelines, tips, techniques

  • Progressive deepening techniques

Learning Resources:

  • Themes and focus areas

  • Core teachings of sacred texts

  • Reflections and exploration of the unfolding process

  • Supportive readings and references

Community Connection:

  • Sangha sharing circles

  • Dedicated practice community

  • Direct access to teacher

Technical Access:

  • Private course platform

  • Lifetime access to materials

  • Mobile-friendly resources

  • Course communication portal

Tanya has been my favorite yoga teacher since I met her in Ubud 5 years ago. She has this power to guide you through your own yoga experience so that you come out with a deeper understanding and awareness of yourself. She is sincere, open-minded and has such a profound knowledge of yoga that brought so much inspirations and insights to me.
— Layla F.